Proposals Nigeria from March, 2013

Nigeria: Talking Social Recovery

  March 2, 2013

it is a project that hopes to speak out against drug and substance abuse among young people in our community. ear marking the disadvantages and negative effects of substances and illegal drugs. the project proposes the use of social media to learn and discuss and support addicts to a smart recovery through online forums and peer discussions.

Nigeria: Shine Your Eyes

  March 1, 2013

In Nigeria human trafficking ranks the third most common crime after financial fraud and drug trafficking. As a source, transit and destination country, youth populations are most vulnerable. While girls are trafficked mostly for domestic servitude and commercial sexual exploitation, boys are trafficked mostly for forced labour in plantations, stone quarries and hawking. “Shine your Eyes” is an online peer education anti-trafficking project.

Nigeria: Lifesavers Club of Ajegunle

  March 1, 2013

The project aims to build a new culture of community service among young people living in Nigeria’s most popular slum, Ajegunle. We hope to show them a new way to give back and save lives by giving blood while showcasing their works using various social media tools and telling the world their story. It is hoped that this project will introduce these young people to the wondrous tools available to them to reach the world and tell their stories.

Nigeria: The Voices

  March 1, 2013

The Voices is a LGBT citizens’ media training initiative with a focus on social media and social change in fostering visibility and advocacy for LGBT rights in Nigeria. It aims to create visibility for the LGBT community through the use of social media, digital photography and blogs for objective reporting on issues of sexual diversity and human rights in Nigeria. The project will conduct 3 day workshop, set up a website for sustainability.