Proposals Microblogs

Finalist – Kenya: WOES -Walking On Egg Shells

  April 1, 2013

WOES-Walking On Egg Shells is an initiative that seeks to promote progressive re-integration of ex-prisoners in their communities through micro-blogging that will highlight their struggles to fit in the community.This...

Colombia: There is Culture

  March 5, 2013

To contribute to the exercise of communication rights and the culture of Afro-Cartagenian women and men and their social organizations, which are located in popular urban sectors in Cartagena (Colombia)....

Honduras: Vozz Honduras

  March 4, 2013

VOZZ is a citizen journalism election training project – it was implemented during Guatemala’s election in 2011 and El Salvador’s municipal election in 2012. Vozz will be launched in Honduras...

Bolivia: Telling the History in Our Own Words

  March 4, 2013

In Bolivia, there are five largest organizations representing indigenous. Despite the rich history of these organizations in their struggle for inclusion in the public life, there are few documents that...

Mexico: The Plum, Lyrics and Vocals in Resistance

  March 4, 2013

Promoting reflection in their original language Mixteco, about local history, traditions, culture and identity as a people. Through a community journalism workshop is taught to make a note, chronic, reportage...