· March, 2014

Proposals Brazil from March, 2014

Brazil: Lights, Camera, Citizen

  March 26, 2014

The Project light, camera, citizen, aims to promote democratization of access to audiovisual knowledge, promote protagonists actions. Through free workshops, adolescents in fulfillment of socio- educational measures in freedom in the city of Teixeira de Freitas – BA, teenagers sheltered home in Casa Sagrada Familia, Eradication of Child Labour, NGO ASSELIAS, Projovem teenager. During the project young people learn to use the film as a portrayal of reality . In workshops adolescents, besides the theoretical part, has contact with software for video editing.

Brazil: The Favela's Underworld

  March 26, 2014

Create a youtube channel and a facebook and twitter page, where local citizen media journalists will be posting the favela (slum) reality, related to violence, corruption, lack of government rules bringing locals minimum support for living like no sewer or water system, diseases, lack of birth control, drugs traffic and all issues related to human living in the favelas, which is a parallel world from the “asphalt” living.