7 May 2012

Stories from 7 May 2012

Speak Out Tunisia: Training Citizen Journalists For A Free And Fair Press

  7 May 2012

Speak Out Tunisia is a citizen journalism training project that has taught a diverse group of Tunisian citizens about digital media and online journalism. After the Tunisian revolution, Speak Out Tunisia seeks to return the power of a free and fair press to the Tunisian people. Anne Medley, in association with Le PaCTE Tunisien, taught the beginners group of citizen journalists in the southern town of Kebili and an advanced group in Tunis.

India: Awaaz.De – Giving Voice To Marginal And Disadvantaged Communities

  7 May 2012

Awaaz.de is an innovative software program (voice-XML based Interactive Voice Response system) that allows development organizations to connect with rural and marginalized communities by providing on-demand, many-to-many information access through mobile phones. People can access Awaaz.De applications by dialing regular phone numbers to work with voice contents through automated voice interfaces.