Stories about Case Studies
Palestine: Putting Daily Life in the Picture
Visualizing Palestine strives make international public opinion aware of daily hardships in Palestine. They transform numbers into creative narrative visuals, and were recently given a jury's award for best Social Activism by the Best of the Blogs competition.
Crowdsourcing Helps Bangladeshi Students Read With Their Fingertips
Banglabraille is a new project using Unicode and crowdsourcing techniques to create textbooks for tens of thousands of visually impaired students in Bangladesh.
Patients’ Mental Health Radio Broadcasts Waves of Joy
Radio Los Inestables, a Rising Voices micrograntee from 2013, uses words as its weapon to spread joy and involve patients from Cordoba's Provincial Neuropsychiatric Hospital in broadcasting.
The Balance Between Speed and Accuracy: Countering Misinformation on Social Media
Checkdesk is a project to verify information drawn from social media. Working with partners around the Arab-speaking world, this open-source platform helps newsrooms check their reports through crowdsourcing.
Showing the Diversity of the Struggle: SyriaUntold One Year On
Syria Untold launched one year ago, exploring multiple ways to tell the story of the Syrian struggle and its diverse forms of resistance. Rising Voices interviews one of the members of the team, Leila Nachawati, for an update.
MySQAR: Myanmar's First Social Network
MySQUAR exists entirely in Burmese. Less than one year old, it is growing rapidly in a country where Internet access is about to expand as telecommunications services spread.
The Blog Bus: Palestine's Travelling Media Conference
Blog Bus is in an initiative bringing bloggers, journalists, and activists together to travel through Palestinian regions to report on local situations.
Perpetuating Culture, Restoring Language: Tlingit and the Sealaska Heritage Institute
“We don’t want what you did here to only echo in the air, how our grandfathers used to do things..." The Sealaska Heritage Institute works with native and endangered languages in the Pacific Northwest, developing a younger generation of speakers.
Wikitongues: Document Your Language
Wikitongues is a community effort to give all the world’s people access to all the world’s 7,000 languages by citizen-driven participatory video and blogging.
Everyday Life Across the Continent
Everyday Africa, a collective blog using photography to break down stereotypes about Africa, focuses on mobile phone photos, representing the rising wave of technology in Africa. They are creating curriculum for teens, combatting assumptions learnt from the mainstream media about "other" people and places.
A Second Living Room: the Public Library Zavidovići's Youth Corner
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, many students commute from rural communities every day by bus to attend school in town. For young students, this often means long hours waiting for buses with nothing to do. Located just next to a bus station, the librarians at the Zavidovići Public Library created a program where students could be trained in new technologies and use their formerly empty time productively.
OpenDyslexic: the Font Designed to Make Reading Easier
Recognizing the difficulties dyslexic readers face every day, OpenDyslexic is an open sourced font recently developed, helping to make the Internet more accessible to those suffering from this neurological condition.
20 Years of Post-Soviet Reconstruction: Libraries in Kazakhstan
With the fall of the Soviet Union, many of its formerly dependent states gained independence but also experienced a drop in living standards - including the closing of many public services. In Kazakhstan, the Pushkin Library is working to reinstate library programs around the country.