Proposals Nepal from February, 2013
Nepal: Our Untold Stories
The project involves collecting videos of the dalit (untouchable) people about their life experiences and stories, the difficulties and discriminations they have faced, how they overcame such problems, success stories...
Nepal: Against Sexual Harrasment
Teasing girls, bullying them and passing nasty comments are quite common in rural school areas. Most young girls are victims of physical abuses and verbal assaults. We hope to make...
Nepal: Forgotten Voices of Single Woman
The single women in Nepal are being marginalized and discriminated in every aspect of life from cultural traditions to laws and policies. Single women are in a worse state and...
Nepal: Transcending Kulung's Voice as Human Pride
10 youths from Kulung community will be trained to create blog and upload their stories online. Kulung community is deprived of enjoying their rights to self-identity and by the virtue...
Nepal: Empower
The project intends to reduce stigma and discrimination amongst LGBTI in far western Nepal by providing technical support from Blue Diamond Society so that they could fight for the rights...
Nepal: E-Urja Chepang
‘E-Urja Chepang’ is the first online project of Chepang which aim is to develop true global conversation of Chepang Communities with rest of the world on the basis of culture...
Nepal: KARMA Canvoy
The silence cry of a indigenous women who gives birth to her first baby in jungle, seldom reaches in the ears of global media. The scattered stories are left uncared...
Nepal: Voice of Senior Citizens
We started a monthly e-newsletter “Voice of Senior Citizens” in English in 2011 that shares information on status of 60+ population of Nepal with more than 3000 concerned organizations and...