Stories about Ceasefire Liberia
Rising Voices: 2010 In Review
2010 was an eventful year for Rising Voices and its community. The community bade farewell to the outgoing Director of Outreach, David Sasaki and welcomed the new Director Eduardo Ávila. In this post we look at some of the notable news of the grantees community we featured in the Rising Voices website in 2010.
Ceasefire Liberia: Thoughts On The 163rd Independence Day Of Liberia
Africa's oldest republic Liberia celebrated its 163rd Independence anniversary last month (July 26, 2010) and it is disheartening to see that after all these years Liberia is still is a developing country with all its challenges. The citizen journalists of Rising Voices grantee Ceasefire Liberia are doing their parts in addressing the problems Liberia is facing by providing news and information on the anomalies in the society and the government.
Ceasefire Liberia: New Milestones
Ceasefire Liberia project turned one year old recently and had reached new milestones. "We have formed partnerships with other fantastic organizations, we’ve been profiled a number of times in the media, we have raised friends, recruited bloggers and even were in Santiago, Chile earlier this month for the Global Voices Citizen Media summit," informs Ruthie Ackerman, the project leader.
Rising Voices At The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 In Santiago, Chile (Part 2)
Several members of the different Rising Voices Projects were present at The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 in Santiago, Chile. In this post we will highlight some of their reactions about the summit.
Rising Voices At The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 In Santiago, Chile (Part 1)
The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 took place earlier this month at Santiago Public Library in the capital of Chile. Over 200 people from 60 countries attended the summit, which was well covered in the media. Four Rising Voices projects were presented during the two days of the summit.
Ceasefire Liberia: Getting Up Close And Personal With The Bloggers
Thanks to some recent interviews we can learn more about some of the bloggers of Ceasefire Liberia, a grantee of Rising Voices, and their works. According to journalist cum blogger NatNyuan-Bayjay, the work of the Ceasefire Liberia bloggers is “helping shine a light on some of the social, political, and development problems that Liberia's young population are facing.”
Featured Blogger: Nat Nyuan-Bayjay
"Nat's work changes lives in Liberia and beyond and is a constant reminder to me of why citizen media is important," is how Ruthie Ackerman, the founder of Ceasefire Liberia describes the work of Nat Nyuan-Bayjay, the project's blog manager. Nat will be on hand at the Global Voices Summit in Santiago, Chile on May 6 & 7 to share about his work.
Ceasefire Liberia: Reporting The Lofa Crisis
Liberia has recently seen some more violence as one young girl was killed and 4 more were killed in retaliation in the Lofa county situated in North of Liberia. Violence erupted and Churches and mosques have been burnt. Amidst the confusing mainstream media reports, the citizen journalists of Ceasefire Liberia are doing a great job in reporting the crisis.
Ceasefire Liberia: Liberian Citizen Journalists Counter Inaccurate Media Reporting
Vice magazine has sent a letter of apology to the Liberian Government for the forced exoticism and inaccuracies of a recent series of web documentaries published in their site. This is a victory for the Liberians and this was possible because of the citizen journalists who raised their voices.
Featured Blogger: Saki Golafale
“Liberia is good at history making,” says Saki Golafale, one of the members of Ceasefire Liberia, citing the fact that his country was one of the first independent nations in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as was the country that elected the female president on the continent. However, Saki also strongly believes that the Liberian people continue to make their own history after years of civil war, and he wants the whole world to know it.
Ceasefire Liberia: Constructive Stories About Liberia
Rcently Vice Magazine tried to focus Liberia with its sensational documentaries on the country containing exoticism and shocking elements. Whereas the bloggers at Rising Voices grantee Ceasefire Liberia are publishing convincing and constructive stories of the country trying to connect more people from the world.
Hip-Hop as Cosmpolitan Citizen Media
Seeking greater social inclusion through new communication technologies is a strategy with a long and accomplished history that has persisted through waves of new inventions including the telegraph, radio, television, satellite, and of course, the Internet. But has any "communication for social inclusion" project been as successful as hip-hop? Just ask the bloggers from Rising Voices citizen media projects.
Ceasefire Liberia: Providing a Platform For Liberians
Ceasefire Liberia is an unique project which aims to connect the Liberia based Liberian community with the rest of the Diaspora in order to create a dialogue between them. The communities are using social media to share information and comments via prose, poetry, pictures & videos and using the Ceasefire Liberia blog to publish them online.