Latest posts by Rezwan from June, 2009
EWAMT: Learning To Blog To Serve The Community
Rising Voices grantee Empowerment of Yemeni Women Activists in New Media Techniques (EWAMT) has organized two more workshops in June. Apart from teaching the participants how to blog they were informed how to use their blogs to serve their community.
FOKO: Expansion And Collaborations
FOKO has completed its expansion efforts in Northern Madagascar. The SAVA region and Antsiranana are now part of the FOKO network. FOKO is helping to set up new media facilities at the Press Center in Diego. Another feat of the project is successfully conducting a blog and new media workshop for IST students.
Voces Bolivianas: Honored For their Hard Work
The members of Voces Bolivianas (Bolivian Voices) are delighted to win an honorary mention in the 2009 Prix Ars Electronica awards. This international recognition will certainly boost their enthusiasm towards blogging. They congratulated the Hiperbarrio team for winning the Golden Nica in the digital communication category at the same event.
Hiperbarrio: Winner Of The Prix Ars Electronica Awards
Rising Voices grantee Hiperbarrio in Colombia won the prestigious Prix Ars Electronica awards in the Digital Communities category and with it a 10,000 euro prize. The team members and well wishers share their reactions to the news.
Nomad Green: The First Workshops
The first four workshops of the Rising Voices grantee Nomad Green were completed last month. About 60 participants were introduced to citizen media tools like blog, flickr, picasa, Youtube etc. using which they will be discussing the environmental or public health issues in Mongolia.