Latest posts by Rezwan from December, 2010
Rising Voices: 2010 In Review
2010 was an eventful year for Rising Voices and its community. The community bade farewell to the outgoing Director of Outreach, David Sasaki and welcomed the new Director Eduardo Ávila. In this post we look at some of the notable news of the grantees community we featured in the Rising Voices website in 2010.
Nomad Green: Mongolia On The Brink Of Eco-Catastrophe
The citizen journalists of Nomad Green are trying to raise awareness about the environmental degradation in their country targeting the Mongolian citizens and the global readers. They are reporting how the global warming and man made threats to environment can bring eco-catastrophe in Mongolia.
Voces Bolivianas: The Future of the Young City of El Alto
The bloggers of the virtual community Jaqi Aru, which is spreading Aymara language in internet through creation of digital media contents, have started a meme titled "The Future of the Young City of El Alto."
HiperBarrio Won First Prize In Community Journalism
HiperBarrio from Colombia won the First Community Journalism Award given by Antioquia University in the category of Best Community Web platform. HiperBarrio will also receive 6 million Colombian Pesos along with the award.