Proposals Ukraine
Ukraine: E-Inclusion Against Digital Exclusion
Persons with disabilities face difficulties traveling, going out and accessing to information. It becomes more visible nowadays, in the world dominated by digital information and new media which leads to...
Ukraine: Increase the Capacity of Public Voice
The project will create an interactive social technology of Public Opinion Research the active citizens about the actual problems of the city. The technique involves the development of a software...
Ukraine: Summer Film School
Purport of this project is to teach participants create qualitative and original video content (especially to create personal channels on videohostings ) . In this participants of the project will...
Ukraine: School Radio Space
School Radio Space is an educational project for students of school in province Ukrainian city Kremenchuk. Main aims of project are activation of local school youth communities, teaching youth of...
Ukraine: You Have a Right to Know
This project proposal aims at facilitating access to the Internet vulnerable groups (people with disabilities and older people ). The project covers the development of the three important areas. First...
Ukraine: Center for Investigative Journalism “Garnet”
СIJ «Garnet» – journalistic project in Kiev region, Ukraine. Objective of project – public control over public finance, privatization, and economic sphere in Kiev region. We hope to achieve level...
Ukraine: My District
The goal of this project is the active involvement through internet of the Obolon district residents into improving their living conditions.In order to achieve that goal we will create a...
Ukraine: Citizen Media – New Possibilities for NGOs
The project is aimed the technological development of civil society and is an initiative that further the effectiveness and sustainability of the NGOs in the Kharkiv region, Ukraine by using...
Ukraine: Blogs of Political Refugees from the Crimea
The “Blogs of political refugees from the Crimea” will include accommodation on the existing online platform owned by the applicant for a grant, blogging section of the Crimean population, which,...
Ukraine: Lugansk Urban Legends
The project envisages the creation of the site – a network resource “Lugansk urban legends”. It will be filled with stories, urban legends , myths and fairy tales about the...