Stories about Hiper-Barrio from August, 2009
Hiperbarrio: Campus Party And The Workshops In Ituango
The Campus party Bogota 2009 took place in Colombia during July 6-12, 2009. Several members of the Rising Voices grantee Hiperbarrio participated in that event and wrote about their experiences. They also shared their thoughts on the blog outreach workshops in Ituango, a municipality located in the northern department of Antioquia in colombia.
Catalina Restrepo Awarded Miss Talent Medellín Award
The success of the Colombian citizen media project HiperBarrio has been the fruit of endless hours of dedication by many young leaders who pushed the project forward on their own initiative. Catalina Restrepo, one of the first and most dedicated leaders of the project, was recently awarded the "Mujeres Talento" award by the Medellín municipality.