Stories about Hiper-Barrio
Rising Voices At The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 In Santiago, Chile (Part 1)
The Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 took place earlier this month at Santiago Public Library in the capital of Chile. Over 200 people from 60 countries attended the summit, which was well covered in the media. Four Rising Voices projects were presented during the two days of the summit.
Featured Blogger: Yesenia Corrales
For the past three years, the Medellín-based project HiperBarrio project has focused on shining a light on different neighborhoods around the city. However, it has been the hard work of the project coordinators and the new bloggers, who have added life to the project. This is another interview with one of these bloggers, Yesenia Corrales, who will also be present at the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit in Santiago, Chile that will be held on May 6-7.
Hiperbarrio Expands To Three New Libraries In Medellin
According to an agreement between the EPM Foundation Network and HiperBarrio from Colombia, activities in 3 new communities in 3 libraries of Medellín (Villatina, La Esperanza and EPM) were started. The Hiperbarrio -Convergentes members share this information and many more stories in their blogs.
HiperBarrio: Recording Daily Lives And Sharing With The World
Hiperbarrio members continue to record their cultures and daily lives in Medellin, Colombia with pictures, videos and texts and share them with the world using their blogs. They highlight the problems in the community and asks for their solutions.
Featured Blogger: Nora Catalina Urquijo
Back in 2005, Nora Catalina Urquijo already had a blog on MSN Live Spaces, but says about her early days blogging, “what I didn't know was the power that a blog had.” Nearly two years later after joining the HiperBarrio project in the La Loma neighborhood in Medellin, Colombia, Nora Catalina has found out firsthand what its power can do for her, for her neighborhood, and for others.
HiperBarrio Is Now A ‘Nonprofit Corporation’
Hiperbarrio, the Rising Voices grantee from Colombia has achieved a new feat. After going through many bureaucratic hurdles Hiperbarrio got its legal identity- it is now a nonprofit corporation. This will allow the organization to continue to grow as they can be hired by public and private institutions for outreach activities.
Talented Women Bloggers Present Abroad
A pair of talented women bloggers from the Rising Voices community were invited to present their work at international conferences. Catalina Restrepo presented at a BarCamp in Santa Cruz, Bolivia and Cristina Quisbert was awarded the International Activist Scholarship to attend BlogHer '09. Nominations for the 2010 version of the scholarship are now being accepted.
Hiperbarrio: The Balloon Festival Of La Loma
The citizen journalists of the Rising Voices grantee Hiperbarrio posted some photos and videos of the Balloon festival of La Loma (Festival de globos de La Loma 2010). The event was broadcast live via Twitter and streaming video.
Hip-Hop as Cosmpolitan Citizen Media
Seeking greater social inclusion through new communication technologies is a strategy with a long and accomplished history that has persisted through waves of new inventions including the telegraph, radio, television, satellite, and of course, the Internet. But has any "communication for social inclusion" project been as successful as hip-hop? Just ask the bloggers from Rising Voices citizen media projects.
HiperBarrio Maps San Javier La Loma with Open Street Maps
Led by two passionate open source enthusiasts, Fredy Rivera and Elkin Botero, the members of the HiperBarrio collective of youth citizen journalists in Medellín, Colombia have created the first freely accessible online map of their own community.
Hiperbarrio: Dealing With Crimes And Searching For Soul
The Public Pilot Library of Medellín, Colombia at the La Loma was robbed last month and it shocked the local residents. The community expressed their rejection to this criminal act. Although there was a relief that the Golden Nicca was recovered, the members of the Rising Voices grantee Hiperbarrio wondered why this happened.
Colombia: Solidarity With Hiperbarrio After Library Robbery
After a robbery of the La Loma Library in Medellín, Colombia, the home of the Hiperbarrio citizen media project, an outpouring of support and solidarity was sent from around the world.
[Video] Does New Media Outreach Lead to Westernization?
It is always easier to criticize than to get involved and one of the criticisms we hear most often at Rising Voices is that helping under-represented communities join the online global conversation will inevitably lead to their westernization. Álvaro Ramírez and Diego Gomez, co-founders of the HiperBarrio project, addressed this question while they were in Austria to pick up their Golden Nica award.