Stories about Feature from January, 2011
Featured Project: Unnayan TV – Video For Development
From now on we will regularly be featuring projects from the Rising Voices community and beyond (outside the grantees). In this feature we interviewed Shahjahan Siraj of Unnayan TV (development TV), an online video channel of Bangladesh. He is regularly publishing video contents on development, human rights and educational issues of Bangladesh.
Rising Voices Seeks Micro-Grant Proposals for Citizen Media Outreach
Rising Voices, the outreach arm of Global Voices, is now accepting project proposals for microgrant funding of up to $4,000 USD for citizen media outreach projects. Applications are due no later than Friday, February 4, 2011.
[Video] Scenes from the Women of Minya Day by Day Project
This continues the three-part series of commissioned videos created by Egyptian filmmaker Mahmoud Saber that takes a closer look at each of the projects as part of the Rising Voices in Egypt initiative. This video features the Women of Minya Day by Day project.
Blogging Positively: Combatting the Stigma of HIV Testing
As part of Rising Voices' "Blogging Positively" initiative, we will be featuring some of the most interesting examples of citizen media from around the world related to the issue of HIV/AIDS. This roundup features blog posts and videos about the issue of stigma and testing.
[Video] Scenes from the Exploring Taboos Project
This is the first in a three-part series of videos developed by local filmmaker Mahmoud Saber, which focuses on the Rising Voices grantees based in Egypt. This first video features the Exploring Taboos project in Cairo.
Drop-in Center: Uniting Ukrainian Society in Fighting HIV/AIDS Epidemic
The recent blog post by Pavel Kutsev of the Drop-In Center advocates for the uniting of different sectors of Ukrainian society to fight the HIV/AIDS epidemic. He believes that the active involvement of law enforcement through awareness campaigns can help reduce the disease's prevalance.